- 在早晨的阳光下, 薄雾涣然消散了。 The mist melted rapidly in the morning sun.
- 他砰然一声将书摔在桌上。 He threw his books down with a slam.
- 这一新的代用甜味剂是用一种野生植物制成的。 The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant.
- 这常常会让全家人哄然一笑,空气中的紧张气氛顿时减少了。 It gave the family a laugh and lowered the level of tension.
- 那个男子砰然一声倒了下去。 The man fell with a thump.
- 换新 renew
- 新世界 New World
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划 An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 歉然一笑 give an apologetic smile
- 我们将把你的建议纳入这一新的计划。 We will incorporate your suggestion in this new plan.
- 砰然一声 twang
- 砰然一声的 slam-bang
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。" "It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 砰然一声响 twang
- 他下苦功思考这一新观点,经过长时间的艰苦工作,写了一篇论文,对此进行阐述。 He fell upon the new idea and after a long time of hard work wrote an important paper on it.
- 他见到她时心怦然一跳。 His heart gave a lurch when he saw her.
- “对不起。”她说,歉然一笑。 'Sorry,' she said, with an apologetic smile.
- 这一新方法用于从页岩油里提炼出石油。 The new process extracts oil from shale.
- 我们要以这一新法案重整英国的造船业。 We are relaunching Britain's shipbuilding with this new Bill.
- 这一新的工作,严格说来并不算提升,不过以後很有发展前途。 The new job is not a promotion as such but it brings good prospects for the future.