- 有机磷中毒的脑CT表现 The CT appearance of cerebrum in the patients with organophosphorous pesticide poisoning
- 目的:了解微泵静脉推注阿托品救治有机磷中毒的治疗效果。 Objective To investigate the curative effect of atropin treated with Syringe pumps.
- 汉、维吾尔族中风病辨证分型与脑ct表现的关系 Evaluation of the correlation of the han nationality and uigur nationality patients between the different types of the traditional chinese medicine and ct features of stroke
- 目的:分析神经元移行异常所引起的脑回发育畸形的CT表现。 Purpose: To analyse CT manifestations of gyral malformations of neuronal migrationl anomaly.
- 黄牛有机磷中毒的诊治 Diagnosis and treatment of organophosphate insecticide nosotoxicosis in cattle
- 脑 brain
- 急性有机磷中毒患者血液胆碱酯酶活性值的动态变化及意义 Clinical significance of the dynamic changes of blood cholinesterase on patients with acute organophosphorus poisoning
- Wilson病的脑CT表现与临床(附45例分析) Cerebral CT Appearance and Clinic in Wilson Disease (Analysis of 45 cases)
- 中毒的 toxic
- 医生在观察病人的脑CT图 A doctor studying the cerebral CT photo of a patient
- 光中毒的加强光的有毒反应影响的,或引起光的有毒反应的,尤指紫外线的光线 Enhancing the effects of or inducing a toxic reaction to light, especially to ultraviolet light.
- 阿托品化时限对重度有机磷中毒的影响 Effect of atropinization time limit on serious organophosphorus poisoning
- 骨原发性非何杰金氏淋巴瘤X线与CT表现探讨(附8例报告) X-ray and CT Diagnosis of Primary Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Bone ( A Report of 8 Cases)
- 医生救活了那个煤气中毒的人。 The doctor resuscitated the man who was overcome by gas.
- 新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病后遗症的脑CT分析 In CT Analysis Sequel of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy of Neonatal
- 持续胃肠道低负压引流对口服有机磷中毒救治效果的影响 Effectiveness of Persistent Negative Pressure Suction in Treating Severe Organophosphorus Pesticides Poisoning
- 新生儿颅脑正常CT表现 Normal CT Appearance of Cerebral Cranium in Neonate
- 脑CT Brain computed tomography
- 关小宏。急性酒精中毒的诊断与治疗。空军总医院学报。 GUAN XH. Diagnosis and treatment of acute alcoholism. Journal of General Hospital of Air Force, PLA.
- 有机磷中毒致呼吸肌麻痹时紧急气道开放及机械通气治疗观察 Observation on effect of emergent artificial airway and mechanical ventilation in respiratory muscle paralysis caused by acute organophosphorate poisoning