- 时间着色Petri网 timed colored Petri nets
- 模糊时间着色Petri网 fuzzy-timing colored Petri nets
- 着色Petri网 colored Petri net
- 组合着色Petri网 compositional colored Petri net
- 内网 Intranet
- 电脑网 computer network
- 赋时着色Petri-net TCPN
- 着色 color up
- 淘宝网 Taobao
- 网游 network game
- 防空武器系统的着色Petri网络建模与仿真 Modeling and Simulating an Air Defense Weapon System with Colored Petri Nets
- 流网 drift net
- 内部网 intranet
- 时间约束Petri网 Time Petri Nets
- 织网 knitmesh
- 网人 netizen; net citizen
- 本地网 LAN
- 网布 screen cloth
- 宝钢热轧步进梁控制系统的Petri网建模及分析 Petri Net Modeling and Analysis for Step Beam Control System in Hot-rolling Mill of Baosteel
- 赋时着色Petri网 TCPN