- 时间约束Petri网 Time Petri Nets
- 时间约束Petri网及其可调度性分析与验证 Timing Constraint Petri Nets and Their Schedulability Analysis and Verification
- 基于时间约束Petri网的工作流动态一致性检验 Verification of Temporal Consistency in Dynamic Modification of Workflow Based on Time Constraint Petri Nets
- 约束 restrict
- 混杂时间Petri网 hybrid timed Petri nets
- 流网 drift net
- 时间约束层次细化工作流建模及验证研究 Modeling and verification of timing constraint hierarchical refinement workflow
- 宝钢热轧步进梁控制系统的Petri网建模及分析 Petri Net Modeling and Analysis for Step Beam Control System in Hot-rolling Mill of Baosteel
- 约束条件 constraint condition
- 网布 screen cloth
- 她没有时间观念。 She has no sense of time.
- 掌握日语要花几年时间。 It takes years to gain a mastery of Japanese.
- 子网掩码 subnet mask
- 约束的 fetlocked
- 小时是时间单位。 The hour is a unit of time.
- Petri网在机器人烟包开包控制中的应用 Application of Petri Nets in the control of the unpacking of tobacco leaf package with robot
- 一个熟练的技师需要数年时间才能培训出来。 A skilled technician takes years to train.
- 约束性 binding character
- 圆网 mould
- 会议时间将由主席决定。 The time of the meeting will be fixed at the discretion of the chairman.