- 改进的Montgomery算法 modified Montgomery algorithm
- Montgomery算法在大数模幂运算中的改进 An Improved Design of Montgomery Algorithm for Large Modular Power Multiplication
- 根据TITMS320C62xDSP的结构和指令执行周期的特点,该文提出了一种优化的Montgomery模乘算法????该算法适于TMS320C62xDSP,节省内存空间,大大提高了运算速度。 Based on the architecture of TI TMS320C62x DSP,this article provides an improved Montgomery modular multiplication algorithm,which can achieve excellent performance on TMS320C62x.
- 改进的 modified
- 改进 to improve
- 输电塔法兰联结节点螺栓松动损伤诊断改进的模糊模式识别方法 Updating fuzzy-pattern identification approach to flange-joint bolted looseness damage in transmission tower structures
- 为了更好的解决RSA密码算法的运算速度问题,本文深入研究了RSA密码算法,提出了从右到左的密钥扫描方式与Montgomery算法的FIPS运算模式相结合的并行算法,有效的提高了RSA算法的运算效率。 Their efficiency decides the efficiency of RSA. In order to improve the speed of RSA, this paper study RSA cryptogram arithmetic in depth, bring forward a parallel arithmetic, which combined secret key from right to left scan mode and FIPS operation mode of Montgomery arithmetic, which shift the operation efficiency of RSA arithmetic.
- 还有改进的余地。 There is still room for improvement.
- 评估整体表现后,应确认可改进的地方,以及报告应涵盖的目标和指标。 After you have assessed your overall performance, it is time to identify where improvements can be made and where you can set objectives and targets for inclusion in the report.
- 应用改进的区域划分算法提高虚拟加工的可视化仿真速度 Promotion of Visual Simulation Speed to Virtual Machining by an Improved Region Partitioning Algorithm
- Montgomery逆算法的改进和应用 Improvement to Montgomery Modular Inverse Algorithm
- 改进的算法 improved algorithm
- 改进的BP算法 improved BP algorithm
- 改进的MC算法 improved MC algorithm
- 改进的VQ算法 improved VQ arithmetic
- 改进的A*算法 modified A* algorithm
- 改进的遗传算法 improved genetic algorithm
- 改进的多孔算法 improved A trous algorithm
- 改进的DIAL算法 improved DIAL's algorithm