- 改进的BP算法 improved BP algorithm
- 用LM算法改进的BP网络在表面肌电信号识别中的应用研究 The Application of BP Neural Network Improved with LM Algorithm in Surface EMG Signal Classification
- 设计了一种改进的BP算法对模糊神经网络的参数实现在线调节; An improvement BP algorithm was designed to adjust the parameters of FNNC on line.
- 一种改进的BP算法 A Modified BP Algorithm
- 改进 to improve
- 公路隧道围岩变形时程曲线拟合的BP算法 Study on Fitting of Surrounding Rock Deformation Time-history Curve by BP Neural Network Algorithm
- 改进的 modified
- 改进的BP神经网络模型 improved BP-NN model
- 自适应斜率输出函数的BP算法 A BP algorithm with Self-adapting Slope Output Function
- 无政府主义认为对现存政治或社会组织的破坏是有利于未来改进的一种信念 The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement.
- 基于相对误差平方和的BP算法 The BP Algorithm Based on the Square Sum of the Relative Error
- 电吸收调制器和DFB激光器一种改进的双有源层堆积集成方法 Monolithic Integration of Electro-Absorption Modulators and DFB Lasers by Modified Double Stack Active Layer Approach
- 将BP算法和使用复合法修正初始权值的BP算法运用到CSTR模型中进行故障诊断。 Neural networks have been widely used in kinds of research fields. In this paper, faults of CSTR will be detected and diagnosed using an improved BP algorithm.
- 输电塔法兰联结节点螺栓松动损伤诊断改进的模糊模式识别方法 Updating fuzzy-pattern identification approach to flange-joint bolted looseness damage in transmission tower structures
- 高斯型模糊逻辑系统的BP算法及其应用 BP Algorithm of Gauss Fuzzy Logical System and its Application in System Identification
- 基于改进的BP网的图形符号识别 Graphic Symbol Recognition based on Modified BP Network
- 频响函数作为神经网络输入的BP算法实现 Implementation of BP - Network Using Frequency Response Function as Networks Input Data
- 改进的BP神经网络 improved BP neural networks
- 基于极大似然估计的BP算法及其在深基坑开挖参数辨识中的应用 An improved BP algorithm and its application to parametric identification in deep foundation excavation
- 用改进的BP网络预测油气 Improved BP Network and Its Application in Prediction of Gas and Oil