- 改进的局部ART算法 Advanced ART by localization
- 局部ART算法 ART by localization
- 一种改进的局部切空间排列算法 A Better Scaled Local Tangent Space Alignment Algorithm
- ART算法 algebraic reconstruction technique
- 改进的 modified
- 刺痛小范围,剧烈的局部疼痛,如被针刺或黄蜂螯造成的刺痛 A small, sharp, local pain, such as that made by a needle or a bee sting.
- 不完全投影数据图像重建的ART算法研究 Research of image reconstruction from incomplete projection data on ART
- 改进的局部共形时域有限差分(MLC-FDTD) a modified locally conformal finite - difference time - domain ( MLC - FDTD)
- 还有改进的余地。 There is still room for improvement.
- 通过电气方法对电力变压器中的局部放电进行分析和定位 Analysis and location of partial discharges in power transformers by means of electric methods
- 输电塔法兰联结节点螺栓松动损伤诊断改进的模糊模式识别方法 Updating fuzzy-pattern identification approach to flange-joint bolted looseness damage in transmission tower structures
- 摘要沙门氏杆菌造成的局部组织感染较少在人类中被描述。 Localized tissue infection induced by Salmonella has been rarely described in humans.
- 评估整体表现后,应确认可改进的地方,以及报告应涵盖的目标和指标。 After you have assessed your overall performance, it is time to identify where improvements can be made and where you can set objectives and targets for inclusion in the report.
- 从这个观点来说,引力的效应可以看成是空间几何中的局部形变。 From this point of view the effect of gravity is regarded as a local distortion in the geometry of space.
- 改进的算法 improved algorithm
- 神经核一组专门的神经细胞或存在于大脑或脊髓中灰物质的局部块 A group of specialized nerve cells or a localized mass of gray matter in the brain or spinal cord.
- 改进的BP算法 improved BP algorithm
- 基于节点的局部网格生成并行算法 A New and Efficient Node-Based Local Mesh Generation Parallel Algorithm
- 改进的MC算法 improved MC algorithm
- 改进的VQ算法 improved VQ arithmetic