- 手动X线点片摄影装置 manual spotfilm device
- 消化道点片摄影 Digestive track spot film photograpy
- X线点片摄影装置 spotfilm device
- 前置式X线点片摄影装置 front-loading spotfilm device
- 医用诊断X射线体层摄影装置 Medical diagnostic X-ray device for tomography
- 数字点片图像 digital spot imaging system(DSIS)
- 婴儿X线摄影装置 equipment for infant, radiographic
- 高频X线乳腺摄影 High frequency x-ray photo
- 东芝DGW-20A、DFW-10B诊断床点片系统故障代码12处理技巧 The skills of maintenance of error code12for TOSHIBA DGW-20ADFW-10B X-ray spot film device
- 点片摄影装置 spotfilmer
- X线曲面体层摄影 Orthopantomography
- 高速摄影装置 HG-camera system
- 头颅X线平片摄影(法) PCG, plain craniography; plain craniography (PCG)
- X线两档 Two X-ray energy modes
- X线放疗 radiotherapy
- X线断层摄影装置 layer radiographic apparatus; layergraph
- 无暗盒点片摄影装置 cassetteless spotfilmer
- 高能X线 High-energy X-ray
- X线透视导航 Fluoro- navigation
- 脊柱X线平片摄影(法) plain spinal roentgenography