- 头颅X线平片摄影(法) PCG, plain craniography; plain craniography (PCG)
- 头部单纯X线摄影,头颅X线平片摄影(法) PCG, plain craniography; plain craniography (PCG)
- 头部单纯X线摄影法,头颅X线平片摄影(法) PCG, plain craniography; plain craniography (PCG)
- 放射性核素骨显像与X线平片对前列腺癌骨转移的诊断分析 Diagnostic Analysis of Radionuclide Bone Imaging and X-ray Film for Bone Metastasis of Prostate Cancer
- 头部单纯X线摄影(法), 头颅X线平片摄影(法) PCG, plain craniography; plain craniography (PCG)
- 23例肠梗阻术前诊断正确率:腹部X线平片为69.6%(16/23); CT为100%(14/14)。 Among 23 small bowel obstruction, 16 (69.6%25) cases with plain abdominal radiography were diagnosed,all of 14 cases with CT were diagnosed.
- 头颅X线图像边缘提取方法的评价 Evaluation of a new edge detection of X-ray images of the head
- 目的 探讨X线平片、CT、三维CT在颌面颞部疾病定位定性的诊断价值和互补性。 Objective To investigate the value and complementarity of CT,3D CT and routine X ray film in localizing and qualitative diagnosis of maxillary facial and temporal diseases.
- 头颅X线摄影 skull radiography
- X线CR摄影 X-ray computer radiography(CR)
- 及时行头颅X片、CT、MRI等检查,尤其是MRI对诊断和手术治疗可提供较大帮助。 The timely examination of X-ray,CT,and MRI can be helpful for the diagnosis and surgical treatment.
- 头颅X线摄影术 skull radiography
- X线点片摄影装置 spotfilm device
- 乳腺X线摄影 Mammography
- X-线平片 Ultrasound
- 头颅X线摄影(术) skull radiography
- 手动X线点片摄影装置 manual spotfilm device
- 钼钯X线摄影 mammography
- 头颅X线摄影[术] X-ray of skull
- 前置式X线点片摄影装置 front-loading spotfilm device