- 我考试得了个 B +。 I got B plus (B+) in the test.
- 他英语考试得了个及格分数。 He got a pass in English.
- 我考试得了零分。 I got a goose egg on the exam.
- "你的律师应该告诉你犯了个大错误。" "他告诉我了。他说是对的,但我认为我比他更清楚。 "Your lawyer should have told you you were making a big mistake." "He did, and he never said a truer word. But I thought I knew better."
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 高等物理考试是我考过的最难的考试。我考试前努力学了好几周。 My senior physics exam was the hardest test I have ever taken. I studied for weeks before I took it.
- 这次考试我得了个 B-。 I got (a) B minus (B-) in the test.
- `我考试及格了。'`我真高兴!' `I passed the test.' `I'm so glad!'
- 每当她考试得了高分,她妈妈就会给她买一个玩具。 Her mom bought her a toy whenever she passed a test with a high score.
- 我昨夜很晚才睡,所以今天趴在桌子上偷偷打了个小盹儿。 I was up late last night so I had a cat nap at my desk today.
- 考试得了 Got grade A in the exam
- 他们家宠爱的猫在我的袜子上抓破了个洞。 Their favorite cat clawed a hole in my stocking.
- 他考试得了第三名。 He came third in the exam.
- 我考试没考好是因为我礼拜五没有来上课?哎,你明明知道那天我生病了嘛! Oh, come off it! I saw you later that day. You weren't sick!
- 那男孩故事讲得很差,得了个未等奖。 The boy won a booby prize for telling the worst story.
- 别吊我的胃口了,告诉我考试及格没有。 Don't keep me dangling; tell me if I passed the test.
- 得了个满堂彩 bring the house down
- 你要我对你道歉!我要不跟你道歉,我考试就会不及格!你想咒我啊,别考砸了。我是好意啊! Jinx! M: Really? What if I told you that I think you're going to fail this test unless you apologize to me? I am jinxing you!
- 你的模拟考试得了多少分? What did you get in the mock?
- "外面在下雨。" "我早就知道了--刚才我出去取报纸淋了个透湿。" "It's raining outside." "You're telling me-I've been out to get the paper and I'm absolutely soaked."