- 情感性障碍脑CT分析 An analysis on the CT of brain in patients with affective disorder
- 情感性障碍的预后与性别差异 The gender differences of the prognosis in affective disorders
- 新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病后遗症的脑CT分析 In CT Analysis Sequel of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy of Neonatal
- 情 passion
- 儿童注意缺陷多动障碍脑电生物反馈训练疗效的对照研究 The Controlled Study of Effectiveness of EEG Biofeedback Training on Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- 情人 inamorato
- 脑 brain
- 障碍 hindrance
- 强制性使用运动疗法在不同程度上肢功能障碍脑卒中患者中的效力 Effects of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy on Different Severities of the Motor Deficit of Upper Extremity after Stroke
- 情感性 affectivity
- 腰椎间盘突出症合并椎体后缘骨块的螺旋CT分析 The spiral CT study of lumbar disc herniation with bone pieces at the posterior edge of lumbar vertebrae
- 脑的 cerebric
- 情感性信任 affective trust
- 强迫症与焦虑症、抑郁障碍脑单光子发射计算机断层扫描对照研究 A comparative study of single photon emission computed tomography between patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder'anxiety disorder and depressive disorder
- 腰椎椎体后缘骨内软骨结节所致腰椎管狭窄症16例CT分析 CT investigation of 16 cases of lumbar spinal canal stenosis caused by lumbar posterior marginal intraosseous cartilaginous noe
- 脑CT Brain computed tomography
- 情感性精神紊乱 affective disorders.
- 实验性小肠闭袢性肠梗阻肠壁缺血程度与时间相关性的CT分析 CT Analysis of the Correlation between Severity and Time of Small Bowel Ischemia Following Experimental Closed Loop Obstruction
- 情感性精神病 affective psychosis
- 有机磷中毒的脑CT表现 The CT appearance of cerebrum in the patients with organophosphorous pesticide poisoning