- 威廉斯B6 Williams B6
- 维生索B6 VitB6
- 威廉斯小姐能够很自如地用法语看书和写东西。 Miss Williams can read and write French very well.
- 维生素B6代谢 vitamin B6 metabolism
- 氟轻松维B6乳膏 Fluocinonide and vitamin B6 cream
- 威廉斯妈妈 Old Mother Williams
- 斑蟊酸钠维生素B6注射液 Aiyishu
- 巴特-威廉斯 BART-WILLIAMS, S.K.
- 维生素B6必须充分供应。 Vitamin B6 must be adequately supplied.
- 所有作品都是在约翰 威廉斯的指导下由学生们创作完成的。 All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams.
- 斑蝥酸钠维生素B6注射液 Sodium cantharidate vitamin B6 injection
- 威廉斯曾两度荣获三冠王,并于一九六六年入主名人堂。 Williams won Triple Crown twice, and was inducted into Hall of Fame in 1966
- 威廉斯管 William's tube
- 硫胺素,锌,维他命B12,维他命B6和铜。 Thiamin, zinc , vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and copper.
- 威廉斯现象 Williams' phenomenon
- 西瓜含有维他命A、维他命B6、维他命C和维他命B1, Watermelon contains the vitamins A, B-6, C and thiamin.
- 威廉斯夫人:他感到不舒服。 Mrs williams: He feels ill.
- 部分序列与柯萨奇病毒B6型氨基酸同源率达 97 3% ; The homology of the fourth contig and coxsackie virus B6 was 97 3%25 at amino acids level.
- 威廉斯氏征 Williams' sign
- 限制能量摄入和运动不能改变哺乳期女性维生素B6的状况 Energy Restriction and Exercise Do Not Alter Vitamin B-6 Status in Lactating Women