- 维生索B6 VitB6
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- 另外,一些人还相信它们可以促进钙的吸收及B族维生索的合成。 In addition, some believe that they promote calcium absorption and the synthesis of B-complex vitamins.
- 结果表明:每人每日钙、维生索A、B_2、尼克酸和女生的热量、蛋白质摄入量均不足。 The results showed that each of whom daily intakes of Calciu- m, Vitamin A, Vitamin B_2, Niacin and the amount of energy, Protein in the girl students were inadequate.
- 乞童靠机智维生。 The beggar boy lived by his wits.
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- "你如果把计算机损坏了,你就会丧失索回货款的权利。" "If you do any damage to the computer even by any chance, you'll forfeit your right to get the fund."
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- 自从进山中探险以来, 他一直靠这段经历维生。 Ever since his adventure in the mountains, he has been dining off the story.
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