- 大坝声波CT acoustic-wave dam CT
- 混凝土大坝声波层析检测系统 Sonic tomography detection system for concrete dams
- 声波CT acoustical CT
- 声波CT技术 Ultrasonic CT technology
- 井中声波CT borehole acoustic computer tomography
- 新型工程声波CT检测系统 A new type of engineering sonic wave CT detection system
- 煤层内断层在双巷声波CT重建图像中的表现 Characters of fault in coal seam appeared in the reconstruction image of two gateways sound wave CT system
- 荷兰的须德海大坝便是一例。 The Zuider Zee dam in Holland is an example.
- 冶勒大坝 Yele Dam
- 柘林大坝 Zhelin dam
- 钟吕大坝 Zhonglu dam
- 声波撞击着耳膜 Sound waves impinge on the eardrum.
- γ-CT γ-CT
- 塔贝拉大坝 Tarbela Dam
- 铜街子大坝 Tongjiezi dam
- (使)受声波作用 insonate
- 零序CT zero-order CT
- 新安江大坝 Xin'anjiang dam
- 声波探砂 sonic sand detection