- 基于XML的过程定义语言 XML Process Definition Language (XPDL)
- 一种基于XML的工作流过程定义语言 An XML-Based Workflow Process Definition Language
- 基于XML的字处理软件的设计、开发及其在电子政务中的应用 Design and development of a word-processing software based on XML and its application in E-government systems
- NET开发平台下,WinCE中基于XML的数据同步的方式和方法。 This paper mainly introduces the manner and method of the data synchronization based on XML in WinCE in the developed platform of . NET.
- 工作流过程定义语言 workflow process definition language
- 基于XML的盲用浏览器是帮助视力障碍者浏览XML网页而设计的。 Browser for blind person based on XML is designed for the blinds to browse XML web page.
- 可扩展标记语言的过程定义语言 XML process definition language
- 可扩展标记语言模式的过程定义语言 XPDL
- 基于XML的数据库 XML-based database
- 基于XML的多层次范例映射模型 XML Based Multi-Hierarch Mapping Model of Case Representation
- XML过程定义语言 XML Process Definition Language (XPDL)
- 这些系统可以通过它所定义的方式使用由网络协议传达的基于XML的消息与Web服务交互。 These systems may then interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its definition, using XML based messages conveyed by internet protocols.
- 基于XML的数据持久化 Persistent Data Based on XML
- 可扩展标记语言过程定义语言 XPDL( XML process definition language)
- 基于XML的屏幕元素传输 XML Based Screen Element Transmission
- 基于XML的网上题库系统 An On-line Testing System Based on XML
- 基于XML的报表打印技术 The Technique of Printing Forms Based on XML
- 其中 ,解析功能实现了文档对象模型 (DOM)解析和基于XML的简单应用编程接口 (SAX)解析 . The function of parsing includes document object model (DOM) parsing and simple API for XML (SAX) parsing.
- 一种基于模板的过程定义语言的探讨与研究 Discussion and research of a template based process definition language