- XML过程定义语言 XML Process Definition Language (XPDL)
- 通过使用XML过程定义文件来指定插件必须实现的配置和设置。 By using the XML process definition files, you specify what configurations and settings the plug-ins must implement.
- 工作流过程定义语言 workflow process definition language
- 每个插件读取其相应的XML过程定义文件以获取它必须运行的任务列表。 Each plug-in reads its corresponding XML process definition file to obtain the list of tasks it must run.
- 调用插件的顺序由XML过程定义文件确定。 The order in which the plug-ins are called is determined by the XML process definition files.
- 基于ARIS建模和XML过程定义的工作流模型 Workflow Model Based on ARIS and XML
- c语言
- 图形数据定义语言 GDDL Graphical Data Definition Language
- 生产过程 course of production
- 多种语言 multilingual
- 编程语言 programming language
- 描述过程模板体系结构的三个主要部分:过程模板插件、新建团队项目向导和XML过程定义文件。 Describes the three key pieces of the process template architecture: process template plug-ins, New Team Project Wizard, and XML process definition files.
- 身体语言 body language
- 在过程中 in the process of
- 业务流程定义语言 business process definition language
- XML过程定义文件是一组XML文件,这些文件定义一组必须运行以正确配置过程的新团队项目的任务。 The XML process definition files are a set of XML files that define a set of tasks that must run to correctly configure a new team project for the process.
- 制作过程 manufacturing process
- 军事想定定义语言 Military scenario definition language(MSDL)
- 约束定义语言 constraint definition Language
- 流程定义语言 process specification language