- 固相化DNA(或RNA) immobilized DNA(or RNA)
- 固相化DNA immobilized DNA
- 固相化催化剂 heterogenized catalyst
- 1-芳基取代咪唑固相化 solid- phase supported 1 -arylimidasoles
- 核苷的一种磷酯,是核酸(DNA或RNA)的基本结构单位。 a phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA).
- 以共价连接法使抗原固相化制备酶联免疫吸附测定试剂的研究 Study on preparing ELISA reagent with method of linking antigen to solid phase by covalence bond
- 核酸内切酶,在DNA或RNA系列内部催化核酸键解的任何酶群。 Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of bonds between nucleic acids in the interior of a DNA or an RNA sequence.
- 固定化DNA immobilized DNA
- 超螺旋化DNA supercoiled DNA
- 两相化 biphase
- 亚固相 Subsolidus
- 计算机化DNA指纹 computerized DNA fingerprinting
- 无固相盐水 solid free brine
- 琼脂糖凝胶电泳观察细胞内片段化DNA的形成; DNA ladder formation was checked with genomic DNA agarose electrophoresis.
- 多相化 heterogenize
- 无固相 clay free
- 密码子,三联密码一个把一种专门的氨基酸,密码子或反密码子译成密码的DNA或RNA的分子中三个相接连的核苷酸的一个联合体。 A unit of three successive nucleotides in a molecule of DNA or RNA that codes for a specific amino acid; a codon or anticodon.
- 用于紫菜无性系种质鉴定的计算机化DNA指纹的建立 Construction of computerized DNA fingerprinting for identification of Porphyra lines
- 低固相 low solid content
- 组织复相化控制 Complex Phase Control