- 固定化DNA immobilized DNA
- 固相化DNA immobilized DNA
- 化 to make into
- 超螺旋化DNA supercoiled DNA
- 计算机化DNA指纹 computerized DNA fingerprinting
- 固定化光合细菌处理焦化废水中难降解有机物成分的鉴定 Determination of Non-Degradable Organic Compounds in Coke-Plant Effluent by Immobilization Photosynthetic-Bacteria
- 固相化DNA(或RNA) immobilized DNA(or RNA)
- 固定化藻 immobilized algae
- 固定化醇 immobilized enzyme
- 琼脂糖凝胶电泳观察细胞内片段化DNA的形成; DNA ladder formation was checked with genomic DNA agarose electrophoresis.
- 固定化Hb immobilized hemoglobin
- 用于紫菜无性系种质鉴定的计算机化DNA指纹的建立 Construction of computerized DNA fingerprinting for identification of Porphyra lines
- 茶多酚固定化酶体外氧化产物茶黄素组成及其化学发光分析 The Composition and Chemiluminescence Analysis of Theaflavins in Enzymatic Oxidation Products of Tea Polyphenols
- 应用甲基化CpG岛扩增法结合代表性差异分析筛选结肠癌相关的甲基化DNA片段 Screening the differentially methylated DNA sequences of colorectal cancer by methylated CpG islands amplification coupled with representational difference analysis
- 固定化小球 capsules
- 混合固定化 co - immobilization
- 细胞固定化 cell immobilization
- 固定化漆酶 immobilized laccase
- 固定化TiO2 fixed TiO2
- 固定化细菌 Immobilized bacteria