- 听一听S, T, u和V Listen for S, T, U and V
- “我的制片人想知道这件事,您能不能把电话放到鸡前面,让我们听一听它的动静?” "My producer wants to know, could you hold the telephone up to the chicken so we can hear it?"
- 更胜一畴的做法是把笔记录成音,这样我们可以经常听一听来加深印象和减轻记忆负担. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory.
- 我请求你听一听我的话。 I beg you to give ear to my word.
- 但是,希波克拉底,你要认真听一听。 But, Hippocrates, lend an ear!
- 听一听,指出并找出“big, heavy” Listen, point and find @big, heavy@.
- 听一听这个。 Have a listen to this.
- 扩大我们在中国生意的计划。也许我们可以听一听同事们的意见。 The plan of expanding our business in China. Perhaps we could hear the view of our colleague.
- 听一听,指一指 Listen, point and find words ending in @-ing@.
- 一听到那奇怪的声响他就关掉了引擎。 On hearing the queer sound he cut the engine.
- 听一听O, P, Q和r Listen for O, P, Q and R
- 我听一位权威人士说,这个病能治好。 I hear from an authority that this disease is curable.
- 听一听,完成儿歌 Listen and finish the chant.
- 一听到那个人的名字她就胆战心惊。 The very name of that man put her in a blue fear.
- 解开衣服钮扣,我来听一下你的心肺。 Open your clothes and let me examine your chest.
- 看一看,听一听。 Look and listen for words ending in @-ing@.
- 他沙哑的声音使人一听就知道是他。 His hoarse voice quickly identified him.
- 好吧,让我们听一听你那伤心的故事。 Okay, let's hear your sob story.
- 听一听风的歌声, Listen to the winds whistling
- 我一听他讲那种蹩脚英语,就便知道他不是一个土生土长的美国人。 When I heard him speaking such broken English,I knew he was not a native American.