- 压缩Cache层次 compressed cache
- 压缩文件 compressed files
- 压缩 compression
- 解压缩 decompression
- 压缩的 constringent
- 压缩空气 compressed air
- Cache行为 cache behavior
- cache缓存 cache buffer
- 管理幅度与层次 span of control and hierarchy of management
- Cache模拟 cache simulation
- 压缩率 compressibility
- 层次设计 hierarchical design
- Cache抖动 cache thrashing
- Cache命中率 cache hits ratio
- 压缩格式 compressed format
- cache不命中 cache miss
- 解压缩软件 PKUNZIP
- Cache包围盒 Cache bounding box
- 文件压缩 file compression
- Cache行为分析 Cache behavior analysis