- Cache行为分析 Cache behavior analysis
- Cache行为 cache behavior
- OCP Cache替换策略简化了Cache行为和Cache失效分析方法。 The OCP replacement policy results in plain cache behaviors,and makes cache misses analyzing and optimizing easily and efficiently.
- 随着软件可控Cache机制的出现,编译器开始可以直接控制Cache替换,改善Cache行为。 With the advent of software-controlled cache,such as cache hints in EPIC architectures,the compiler has the means to steer the cache replacement directly and to improve the cache behavior.
- 中国股票市场中机构投资者与个人投资者的投资行为分析 The analysis of investment behaviors between individual investors and institutional investor in China stock market
- 当代中国私营资本原始积累的产权特征及"戴红帽"行为分析 Analysis of the features of property right and the action of "wearing red cap" of the private capital's primitive accumulation in contemporary China
- 行为分析法 behavior analysis methods
- 存在道德风险的我国基本医疗保险体系中各市场主体行为分析 Behavioral Analysis of Principal Parts of Chinese Fundamental Health Insurance Market under the Condition of Moral Hazard
- 力学行为分析 analysis of mechanical behavior
- 行为分析技术 behavior analysis technology
- 客户行为分析 customer behavior analysis
- 动态行为分析 dynamic behavior analysis
- 用户行为分析 user behavior analysis
- 行为分析模型 Analysis model of network behaviors
- 访存行为分析 memory access behavior analysis
- 驾驶行为分析 Driving behavior analysis
- 乘车行为分析 passenger choice behavior analysis
- 制度行为分析 Institution-behavior Analysis
- 静态行为分析 static behavior analysis