- 修正LMS算法 modified LMS algorithm
- 为了解决Widrow-Hoff最小均方(LMS)算法的稳定性问题,文献提出了一种修正LMS算法(简称MLMS算法),它的权系数的调整取决于误差面在新权值点的梯度。 To solve the problem of stability for widrow-Hoff least mean square (LMS) algorithm, F. F. Kretschmer and B. L. Lewis suggested a modified LMS (MLMS) algorithm, where the innovation of the weight-vecLor depends on the gradient of error surface at the point of new weights.
- 一种修正LMS自适应算法的研究 Studyof a Modified LMS Adaptive Algorithm
- 修正 to amend
- LMS算法的FPGA实现是自适应天线阵用于实践的关键之一。 FPGA-based implementation of LMS algorithm is one of the key techniques in the application of adaptive array antennas.
- 本文引入同源ANC概念,提出了改进的变步长LMS算法EVS。 The new concept of the same source ANC and the variable step LMS algorithm (EVS)have been developed.
- 对于强相关性信号,新算法的稳态失调小于NLMS 算法和DCR-LMS算法。 For high correlation signal, its performance is superior to those of NLMS algorithm and DCR-LMS algorithm.
- 修正的 correctional
- LMS算法自适应噪声抵消系统参数的最佳设计 Optimal Parameter Design of Adaptive Noise Cancelling by LMS Algorithm
- 基于LMS算法的自适应滤波及在回声消除中的应用 Variable step-size LMS adaptive filtering for echo canceller
- 修正的LMS方法 Modified LMS Method
- DR-LMS算法 DR-LMS algorithm
- 批处理LMS算法 block LMS algorithm
- 一种改进的快速LMS/Newton算法及其在声回波对消中的应用 An Improved Fast LMS/Newton Algorithm for Application to Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- 变换域LMS算法 transform domain LMS algorithm
- 算法修正 Improved algorithm
- LMS自适应算法 LMS adaptive algorithm
- 变换域变步长LMS算法 DCT-VSNLMS
- 修正算法 Modification algorithm
- 修正DRR算法 amendatory DRR algorithm