- 修正的LMS方法 Modified LMS Method
- LMS方法 LMS method
- 大意是:CP这种方法对于基组误差修正的影响已经被考虑。 The effect of counterpoise(CP) correction mehtod to the BSSE [color=red] has been taken into account [/color] .
- 修正 to amend
- 步长随输入信噪比变化的LMS算法 LMS Algorithm for Variable Step-Size Adjusting with Input Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- 修正的 correctional
- 一种基于小波级数分解的LMS自适应除噪方法 LMS ANC Method Based on Wavelet Series
- 最后把求得 g 和 T_d 代入修正的 BCS 公式中,算出超导化合物的临界温度。 fina-lly inserting g and T_d in BCS formula modified,calculated the critical temperatureT_c of superconducting compounds.
- 高阶累积量的LMS自适应滤波算法 CDEFWLMS
- 带约束的LMS-SCOT自适应时间延迟估计 LMS-SCOT Adaptive Time Delay Estimation with Constraints
- 提高激光干涉小角度测量系统测量精度及误差修正的研究 Research on Improving Measuring Accuracy and System Error Correction of Laser Small Angle Measurement
- 改进相关矩阵估计的LMS牛顿算法分析与仿真 Analysis and Simulation of LMS Newton Algorithm Using Improved Estimate of Autocorrelation Matrix
- 上网电价预测中运用修正神经元输出函数对BP模型动态修正的探索 Research of dynamic tuning of BP model with amending nerve cell output function in the forecast of pool purchase price
- 一种用于QAM解调信号的LMS自适应均衡器 A LMS Adaptive Equalizer for QAM Demodulation Signal
- 一种具有双瞬变因子的LMS自适应滤波算法 An Adaptive LMS Algorithm with Two Transient Factors
- 信念修正的AGM理论 The AGM Theory for Belief Revision
- 三种改进的LMS算法应用于宽带CDMA中的窄带干扰抑制 Three Improved LMS Algorithms for Depression of Narrow-Band Interferences in CDMA
- 修正的经度 corrected longitude
- 未修正的 uncorrected
- 自己课题用了的LMS程序,个人觉得很好,应该能帮上大家吧, Own topic has used the LMS procedure, personally thought very good, should be able to help everybody, matlab, Communication