- 他对Mr. cat 说: Mr. Cat, you are my good teacher.
- 他对Mr. tiger说: Fox has a good idea.
- 她曾听到他对另外一个女孩说悄悄话。 She once heard him whisper to another girl.
- 结论:早期干预在短期对MR儿童是有显著帮助的,portage早期教育计划在中国MR儿童中有较好的适用性。 Portage program can be APPLIED to MR children in China.
- "他对我们的活动知道的太多了,我来干掉他。" 那个老强盗说。 "He knew too much about our activities, I'll look after him, " The old robber said.
- 他对我如此无礼,竟然还敢说他是我的朋友。 He had the gall to say he was my friend after being so rude to me.
- 他对你说他没有结婚,他是在公然说谎。 He was lying in his throat when he told you he was not married.
- 他对那个男孩子说他不能容忍小孩的顶嘴。 He told the boy that he would tolerate no back talk form children.
- 他对我说,你是一个了不起的患者。 He tells me you are his prize patient.
- 他对那些他认为不公平的事都要说。 He spoke out against things he thought were unjust.
- 他对自己说,“熊会认为我死了。” He thought to himself," the bear will think that I am dead."
- 我把他对我说的话细细回想了一遍。 I reflected on all he had said to me.
- 他对她说了几句预示敌意的愤怒的话。 He addressed a few angry words to her that betokened hostility.
- 他对自己的妻子可以说是太狠心了。 He is, so to speak, a bit too cruel to his wife.
- 那间谍与外界隔绝,不许他对记者说话。 The spy was kept under wraps and not allowed to talk to newspapermen.
- 汤姆厚着脸皮对我说他对此事一无所知。 Tom faced me out that he knew nothing about the matter.
- 他们全说他对城里的老牧师太傲慢啦。 They all say he is so arrogant to old clergyman of the city.
- "准备好,"他对杰基说,还是用的那个听着怪怪的名字。 "Get ready,"he said to Jacky,again using that strange-sounding name.
- 他的政敌对说他对腐败问题的态度不够强硬。 His political enemies said he was soft on corruption.
- 汤姆想辞职,他说他对自己的老工作厌烦了。 Tom wanted to quit his job. He said he was tired of that old ball and chain.