- 产前胎儿X线(照)片 antenatal radiograph
- 产前胎儿X线[照]片 antenatal radiograph
- 产前胎儿X线片 antenatal radiograph
- 产前胎儿X线照片 antenatal radiograph
- 胎儿X线摄影(照)片 fetogram
- 胎儿X线摄影片 fetogram
- 彩色多普勒超声对产前胎儿脐带绕颈的诊断 The usefulness of color Doppler ultrasonography for diagnosing the prenatal fetal umbilical cord round the neck
- 胎儿X线照相术 fetography
- X线摄片 X-ray photography
- 胎儿X线摄影照片 fetogram
- X线胸片架 X-ray chest stand
- 数字X线片 digital radiology(DR)
- X线(照)片 roentgenogram
- 数字化X线牙片 digital X- ray system
- 腺X线(照)片 adenogram
- X线平片断层摄影 computer
- 产前X线片 antenatal radiograph
- 牙X线(照)片 odontoradiogram
- 数字化X线摄片术 digital X-ray radiography
- 牙X线[照]片 dental radiograph; dental roentgenogram; dental roentgenograph; odontoradiograph