- 数字化X线摄片术 digital X-ray radiography
- 高千伏x线摄片机 high-KV X-ray shoot apparatus
- 外踝撕脱骨折的X线摄片方法 X-ray projections for avulsion fractures of the lateral malleolus
- 数字化X线牙片 digital X- ray system
- 片 sheet
- 在线 in-line
- 数字化X线 digital radiology
- DDR双能量减影对肩胛骨摄片的价值 Value of DDR Dual-energy Subtraction in Scapula Radiography
- 数字化X线摄影平板探测器的研究进展 Development situation of the flat detector for digital X-ray photography
- 数字化X射线机 digital X-ray imaging
- 数字化X线机 Numeral X machine
- 体层X线摄片术 body section radiography
- 荧光X线照片,间接X线摄影片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- 膀胱充气x线照相术 air cystography
- 膀胱肾盂X线照相术 cystopyelography
- 胎儿X线摄影片 fetogram
- 数字化X线摄影 Digital radiography
- 荧光X线片,间接X线摄影片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- 数字化X线成像 Digital X-ray imaging
- 腺X线片 adenogram