- 三K党的一员 a member of the Ku Klux Klan
- 三K党公然肆虐,名副其实地控制了州长。 The Ku Klux Klan openly flourished and laid legitimate claims to controlling the governor.
- 应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.
- 他是绿党的一员。 He is a member of the Green party.
- 他回家时两个三K党人突然袭击了他。 Two Ku Klux Klanners set upon him as he was going home.
- 所有出口商对于继续作为自由贸易俱乐部的一员有切身利益。 Exporters have vested interest in continual membership in club.
- n. 三K党 K.K.K.
- 正如她在一次党的会议上发誓的那样,她为人民牺牲了。 She gave her life for the people just as she had pledged at one of the Party meetings.
- 你说他是三K党同伙? You think he brother with the KKK?
- 人不可能完全孤立如小岛,每一个人都是大地的一部分,是整体中的一员 "No man is an Island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main."
- 纳粹党就是一个大型的德国三K党。 The Nazi Party is an enormous German Ku Klux Klan.
- 简娜列文是这些黑洞搜寻者中的一员。 One black hole hunter is Janna Levin.
- 我回答说三K党只不过是神经失常的一小撮。 I rejoined that the Klan is a more lunatic splinter group.
- 授予某人头衔;使某人成为贵族中的一员。 give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility.
- 美国历史上三K党猖獗的根源 The terrroristic organization in American History: Ku-Klux-Klan
- 三K党公然肆虐,名副其实地控制了州长。 The Ku Klux Klan openly flourished and laid legitimate claims to controlling the governor.
- 古代波斯索罗亚斯德教教士的一员。 a member of the Zoroastrian priesthood of the ancient Persians.
- 这不只是个人的修养问题,也是一种监督,是党的生活的一种形式。 This is not merely a matter of individual self-cultivation; it is also a type of supervision and a part of the regular activities of the Party organization.
- 有一天你也可能成为斐陶斐的一员。 Someday you may be a Phi Beta Kappa!
- 我是说----关于帮助托尼逃跑的事,要不----要不----艾希礼,你没有参加三K党吧?" I mean, about helping Tony get away or--or--Oh, Ashley, you aren't in the Ku Klux, are you?"