- 类球状Co3O4 near-spherical Co3O4
- 类球状 near-spherical
- 纳米钉类球状聚集体 nanonail aggregation
- 要证明两者彼此相关,其中一个方式,就是在古老的椭圆星系中,同时辨识出这两类球状星团。 ONE WAY TO DEMONSTRATE a link would be to identify two populations of globular clusters in old elliptical galaxies.
- 纳米Co3O4 nano - Co30a
- 电池级Co3O4 battery grade Co3O4
- 对通过溶液结晶制备的类球状聚晶型碳酸钙微粉,进一步借助微波辐射使晶体表面快速磷酸化,并利用ESEM,XRD和EDS等进行表征。 The calcium carbonate polycrystalline with a special spherical structure prepa red by control crystallization method was treated with phosphoration reaction un der microwave irradiation, and the products were characterized by ESEM,XRD and EDS.
- 胺类 amine
- 球状 sphere
- 灵长类 Primates
- 布类 mercery
- 球状的 spherical
- 第一类 first kind
- 蔬菜类 greengrocery
- 球状物 globe
- 脂类 FAT
- 小类 subclass
- (使)成球状 conglobate
- 抽象类 abstract class
- 醇类 alcohols