- (在波士顿能做什么呢? What can one do in Boston?
- “我能做什么呢?在与曼联的比赛之前我不能输掉任何一场比赛,”穆里尼奥说。 "What can I do? I cannot lose a game to play Manchester United earlier in the season," said Mourinho.
- 我们还能做什么呢? What else could we do?
- 我的天哪,男人碰上这种女人,除了对她叩头膜拜之外,还能做什么呢? My God, what would a man do with a woman like that except worshiping her?
- "喂," 史密斯小姐说 "你们为什么不说话,你们俩在做什么,我能问一问吗?" "Come on, " said Miss Smith, "has the cat got your tongue? What have you two been up to there, may I ask?"
- 他目前应该做什么呢? What is he supposed to be doing now?
- 我们能做什么来消磨时间? What can we do to pass the time ?
- 他们在那个诡秘的社团里做什么呢? What do they do in that weird club ?
- 厘清你能做什么 Be able to articulate what you do
- 她年老时要做什么呢? What will she do when she is/gets/grows old?
- 特蕾莎修女在接受诺贝尔和平奖时说道:"你能为促进世界和平做些什么呢? Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prise,Mother Teleisha said,"What can you do to promote the world peace?
- 这种迁移不能做什么? What does this migration not do?
- 网络管理员要做什么呢? So what's a network administrator to do?
- 我们都同意现在还不能做什么决定。 We are agreed that we can decide nothing now.
- 录音前你应该做什么呢? What before the sound recording should you make?
- 不能做什么可怕的爱 Ain't it shocking what love can do
- 您希望杰迷在持之以恒捐款以外,还能再多为“壹基金”做些什么呢? Q: Other than hoping for your fans to donate, in what other ways would you like them to contribute to the One Foundation?
- 上诉法庭能做什么? What can an appellate court do?
- 你到会计部门来做什么呢? What are you doing here in the Accounting department?
- 上诉法官能做什么? What can an appellate judge do?