- 龙蛇羊泉汤 Longsheyangquan decoction
- 他的朋友都是相当龙蛇杂处的一夥人。 His friends are rather a motley crew.
- 龙蛇羊泉汤对膀胱癌小鼠抗氧化能力的影响 Experimental studies on antioxidiative effects by longsheyangquan decoction on bladder carcinoma BTT_(739) in mouse
- 纽约是龙蛇混杂的地方,一不小心你就尸骨无存。如果你够努力,你就能成就大事。 New York is a real jungle, if you are not careful, it can chew you up and spit you out. If you work hard, you can hit it really big.
- 他的文章笔势雄浑感人,深得读者的喜爱。 His works are written in a powerful, and touching way that is well liked by all his readers.
- 盘龙 pelycosaur
- 这幅画笔势苍老遒劲,显出画家功力深厚。 This painting exhibits a force and vigour characteristic of a master's hand.
- 指定GestureRecognizer确定特定墨迹笔势的置信度。 Specifies the confidence level that the GestureRecognizer determines for a particular ink gesture.
- 接龙 build up a sequence
- 白蛇传 Tale of the White Snake
- 龙舌兰 maguey
- 在一些印刷字体的主要笔划两端的短横线。它本来是书写的起笔或收笔的笔势。 Serif The short cross -lines at the beginning and end of the main strokes of certain type faces. Originally, the beginning or finishing strokes of the pen.
- 杯弓蛇影 be jittery with imaginary fears
- 龙猫 galesaur
- 衬线:在一些印刷字体的主要笔划两端的短横线。它本来是书写的起笔或收笔的笔势。 Serif: The short cross -lines at the beginning and end of the main strokes of certain type faces. Originally, it is the beginning or finishing strokes of the pen.
- 大蛇 anaconda
- 龙的 abortive
- 虚与委蛇 deal with sb. courteously but without sincerity
- 龙的传人 descendants of the dragon
- 龙舌兰酒 pulque