- 黄山景区面积是多少? How large an area does the scenic area of Huangshan Mountain cover?
- 这个房间的确切面积是多少? What is the exact size of the room?
- 面积 area
- 这家航空公司的行李重量限额是多少? What is the baggage allowance of this airline?
- 这个房间面积是12平方米。 The room is 12 square metres in area.
- 这些数字的总和是多少? How much do all these figures stack up to?
- 占地面积 floor space
- 居住面积是以平方米来计算的。 The living space is measured in square metres.
- 我想打一个通伦敦的叫号电话,费率是多少? I want to make a station-to-station call to London. How much is the rate?
- 建筑面积是九百一十三平方英尺。 The gross area of this unit is nine hundred and thirteen square feet.
- 挣钱的多少不是衡量一个人成功的唯一标准。 The amount of money one makes is not the only gauge of one's success.
- 这个多边形的周长是多少? What is the perimeter of this polygon?
- 房屋建筑面积是房屋各层面积的总和。 Housing area is the summation that each level accumulates the building.
- 这个人多少是个天才。他谨慎地提出了自己的观点。他为自己的观点提供了证据。 The man was something of a genius. He had made points carefully. Proof was given to support his views.
- 我家新买的房子的建筑面积是80平方米。 The floor area of our newly-bought house is 80m2.
- 英镑与马克的兑换率是多少? What is the rate of exchange between the pound and the mark?
- 换成日本币是多少? And how much will it be in Japanese currency?
- 高速公路的速度限制是多少? What's the speed limit on the motorway?
- 算出你应得的红利是多少? What does your share of the bonus work out at?
- 那个地方的平均气温是多少? What is the mean temperature in that locality?