- 高级互交系(AIL) Advanced intercross line (AIL)
- 多自交系互交 polyallele crossing
- 多近交系互交 polyallel crossing
- 互交 intercrossing
- 伴随正交系 adjoint orthogonal system
- 互交的 cross
- 标准正交系 normal orthogonal system
- 互交性 enantiotropy
- 互交种 coenospecies
- 正交系 orthogonal set
- 自交系 inbred line
- 天然互交 open intercrossing
- 多交系 multiple cross
- 三圆互交 Tri-cyclic mutual crosses
- 测交系 tester line
- 互交杂种 mutual hybrid; reciprocal hybrid
- 丹玉自交系的创造及在我国玉米育种和种子生产中的作用 Development of Danyu Self-bred Lines and the Role They Played in Maize Breeding and Production in China
- 二圆互交 Bi-cyclic mutual crosses
- 近交系胎鼠中脑多巴胺能神经元体外定向分化的初步研究 Preliminary study of in vitro committed differentiation of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain of inbred rat embryos
- 互交集团 intercrossing population