- 高校BBS university BBS
- 正确评价高校BBS的作用 Correctly Apprise the Function of BBS in University
- 高校BBS社群结构与信息传播的影响因素 BBS Community Structure in Institutions of Higher Learning and Affecting factors of Information Communication
- 对高校BBS实行实名制的几点思考 Some Thoughts on the Accomplishment of Real-name System on Colleges and Universities'BBS
- 正确把握高校BBS舆论导向的原则 Correctly Leading Public Opinions Orientation in Colleges and Universities BBS
- 利用高校BBS加强校园文化建设的探讨 Discussion on the Enhancement of the Culture Construction on Campus Through the Use of BBS
- 充分发挥高校BBS思想政治教育功效的思考 Reflections on the comprehensive functions of ideological and political education on BBS in colleges and universities
- 校园BBS campus BBS
- 高校间的竞争有助于改变国家的态度。 Strife on college campuses helped change the attitude of the nation.
- 高校后勤社会化改革取得重要进展。 Important progress was made in outsourcing college services to independent service providers.
- 在高校 college
- 高校OA college OA
- 高校报 college newspaper
- 高校区 high education area
- 985高校 "985 Project" university
- 某高校 Colleges and universities
- 高校馆 Libraries in colleges and universities
- 高校排名 Ranking of Higher Education Institutions