- 有源假目标的高分辨极化鉴别研究 Research on High-resolution Polarization Discrimination Algorithm of Active Decoy and Radar Target
- 高分辨极化雷达检测中极化滤波器的选择 Selection of polarization filter for high-resolution polarimetric radar detection
- 高分辨极化SAR high-resolution polarimetric SAR
- 全极化SAR图像 fully polarimetric SAR image
- 双波段全极化SAR图像非监督分类方法及实验研究 Unsupervised Classification Methods and Experimental Research of Dual-frequency Fully Polarimetric SAR Images
- 基于目标分解理论的全极化SAR图像神经网络分类方法 Neural Networks Classification of Quad-polarization SAR Data Based on Target Decomposition ABSTRACT
- 对这种纳米材料进行了高分辨透射电子显微镜结构分析与傅立叶变换红外光谱表征。 High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were employed to characterize this nanohybrid material.
- 全极化SAR full-polarization SAR
- 高分辨超声技术评价冠心病患者血管内皮功能的临床研究 Clinic institute of vasodilator function in patients with coronary heart diseases by ultrasonic
- 极化SAR定标 PolSAR calibration
- 流动注射-高分辨飞行时间质谱检测毒饵大米中的氟乙酰胺 Detection of Fluoroacetamide in Rice Bait Using Hydrolysis-Flow Injection by HR-TOF-MS
- 高分辨CT HRCT
- 高分辨DOA high-resolution DOA
- 高分辨XRD high-resolution X-ray diffraction
- 高分辨雷达 High-Resolution Radar
- 高分辨检测 high resolution detection
- 高分辨成像 high-resolution imaging
- 高分辨地震 high--resolution seism
- 高分辨层序 high-frequency sequences
- 高分辨定向 high-resolution DOA estimation