- 他叫布鲁诺去干掉马克斯。 He told Bruno to take care of Max.
- 马克斯:第六章:“令人紧张的时刻。” Max: Chapter 6: "A dramatic moment."
- 对马克斯·韦伯官僚制的反思与改革 Rethink and Innovation about Bureaucracy of Max.Webor
- 我说马克斯卑鄙,这可惹怒了他,他就把我的眼睛打青了。 I called Max a skunk. That raised his dander and he gave me this black eye.
- 马克斯对自己的出生刨根问底。他母亲说几代人以前,他家是贵族。 Max is trying to trace his ancestry. His mother told him that generations ago there was blue blood in the family.
- 马克斯·韦伯关于文化科学的意义理解和价值判断 Max Weber's Meaning Reflection and Value Judgment of Cultural Science
- 马克斯和布鲁诺争吵了一会儿,然后事态平息了下来。 Max and Bruno mixed it up for a while, and then things calm down.
- 这意味着,对于柔度矩阵的一般元素是为众所周知的马克斯威尔互等关系。 This means that a general element of the flexibility matrix is known as Maxwell's reciprocal relation.