- 道 method
- 载 year
- 载道 "Zaidao"
- 卸载 uninstall
- 饿 to be hungry
- 加载 to load
- 载道文学 Tao-carrying literature
- 饿死 starvation
- 一道 together
- 用作鱼饵的蜉 A mayfly used as fishing bait.
- 有道 have attained the Way; be accomplished in the Way
- 上载 to upload
- 具有此种颜色的蜉蚍的亚成虫 A fishing fly having this color.
- 间道 viaduct
- 蜉游 mayfly
- 饿死了 famished
- 蜉游类 drake
- 空手道 karate
- 饿的 peckish
- 空载 idle load