- 饭店ABS hotel ABS
- 饭店 restaurant
- 他在攻读饭店管理专业。 He's study hotel management.
- 大饭店 Grand Hotel
- ABS Anti-lock braking system
- 为保险起见,请把钱放到饭店的保险箱里。 Put the money in the hotel safe for safety.
- 星级饭店 star grade hotel
- ABS控制 anti- lock braking system (ABS) control
- 这个乞丐常去该饭店要汤喝。 The beggar resorted to the restaurant for some soup.
- ABS系统 ABS system
- 小饭店 a slap-bang shop
- 汽车ABS Automobile ABS
- 我已在饭店预订了一桌菜。 I have reserved a table at the restaurant.
- 液压ABS hydraulic anti-lock braking system
- 这家饭店收费适中。 The hotel is moderate in its charges.
- 香格里拉饭店 Shangrila Hotel
- 那家饭店廉价出让。 The restaurant was offered at a song.
- 他们重建饭店的计划落空了。 Their plan to rebuild the hotel has fallen to the ground.
- 侍者把乞丐赶出饭店。 The waiter winkled the beggar out of the restaurant.