- 餐馆里还有空桌吗? Is there any free table in the restaurant ?
- 吗 morphine
- 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。 We'll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table.
- 你的背包里还放得下我的球衣吗? Will my sweater go in your knapsack?
- 桌 table
- 他在附近的一家餐馆里喝了一杯牛肉清汤。 He treated himself to a cup of bouillon from a restaurant nearby.
- 这是你的写字桌吗? Be this your write-table?
- 餐馆里坐满了客人。 The restaurant was packed.
- 十五分钟后当有空桌时 Fifteen minutes later when a table is free
- 那个暖瓶里还有一点水。 There is still a little water left in that thermos bottle.
- 桌球 table tennis
- 是吗 is that right
- 请不要在餐馆里吸烟。 You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.
- 先生,现在有空桌了。 We have a table for you now,sir.
- 杯子里还有一点水。 There is a little water in the cup.
- 你还记得我吗? Do you remember me?
- 我们没订,不过你能给我们找一张两人桌吗? We don't book,but could you find us a table for two?
- 他在餐馆里为我歌唱。 He sang to me at the restaurant.
- 你现在有空吗? Are you at leisure just now?
- "而且,据说放鞭炮还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气。" It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year.