- 餐厅什么时间开放呢? When does th dining room open?
- 酒吧和咖啡馆什么时间开放? When will the bar and cafe open?
- 什么 what
- 博物馆什么时间开放? What are the museum hours?
- 呢 (question particle)
- 博物馆最迟几点开放呢? How late is the museum open?
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 博物馆于甚么时间开放? What are the opening hours?
- 什么时间 when
- 除了紧急情况下什么时间打电话是比较适宜的呢?为什么? What's the right time to telephone someone except urgent things? Why?
- 什么时间你合适呢? What time would be good for you?
- 我们什么时间到达目的地? At what time will we arrive at our destination?
- 什么时间能发货呢? When can we expect its delivery?
- 你什么时间来都可以。 You may come anytime.
- 什么时间入住? For what dates?
- 什么时间能发货呢? When can we expect its delivery?
- 你什么时间看房比较方便呢?或者我提前多少时间给你打电话你有时间? Which time do you see the building more convenience? Possibly, how much time I advance to make a phone call you?
- 你不在乎我们什么时间开饭吧? Are you fussy what time we have dinner?
- 他打算什么时间回来呢? What time is he supposed to be back?