- 庐山奇传幽险,瀑飞泉鸣,云蒸雾涌,气象万千。 Waterfalls roaring like thunder cascade down precipitous cliffs and gurgling streams meander through serene nooks. Clouds and vapor float and wrap the scenery in a blanket of mist.
- 玉 jade
- 鸣 to cry (of birds)
- 飞泉 cliffside spring
- 瀑布飞泉 waterfall and flying stream
- 玉兰花 magnolia
- 鸡鸣 crow
- 林黛玉 lin blackjade
- 蜂鸣 singing
- 似玉的 jady
- 玉帝 the Jade Emperor
- 夜莺啭鸣。 The nightingale whistled sweetly.
- 司机在鸣喇叭。 The drivers were tooting their horns.
- 玉髓 chalcedony
- 风琴在奏鸣。 The organ is playing.
- 玉佛寺 Temple of the Emerald Buddha
- 我们听到邻近树林里的鸟鸣声。 We heard bird calls from the neighboring woods.
- 肠鸣音 intestinal gurgling sound
- 缟玉髓 strip jasper
- 鸡鸣狗盗 up to cunning or petty ruses