- 顾虑 misgivings
- 打消顾虑 dispel misgivings
- 你买赃物就毫无顾忌吗? Have you no scruples about buying stolen goods?
- 她是一个毫无顾忌的人;她想要做什么就做什么。 She had no scruples; she would do whatever she wanted to.
- 消除顾虑 dispel misgivings
- 这场会谈对于迈克尔很有好处,使他不再顾虑自己的事。 The interview served Michael the good turn of taking his thoughts of himself.
- 我对那事毫无顾忌。 I have no scruples about the matter.
- 对殴打妻子有所顾忌 to scruple to hit one's wife
- 不过,发展也带来了新的问题和顾虑。 Growth, however, brings new problems and concerns.
- 毫不顾忌 Throw all caution to the winds
- 这一方法能帮助学生去除顾虑。 This method can help students shed inhibitions.
- 没有道德顾忌的举动 unprincipled behavior.
- 雪莱可以无所顾虑地追求自己的生活方式。 Shelley felt free to pursue his own life in his own way.
- 如果这是能让我儿子获得自由的唯一方法,我会亳无顾忌的去做。 If it was the only way to get my son set free, I would act completely without scruple.
- 他顾虑到他人的感情。 He is regardful of the feelings of other persons.
- 当时的英国人是一种进取心很强、毫无顾忌、危险的民族。” "The English were a very acquisitive, uninhibited, dangerous people."
- 消除病人的顾虑 to lay the fears of the patient
- 他们以毫无顾忌的速度猛冲。 They hurtled with the careless speed.
- 不顾虑的 mindless
- 一种健康无碍的排遣行为;毫不顾忌的神父;新的股票市场没有受到传统的妨碍。 an outlet for healthy and unhampered action; a priest unhampered by scruple; the new stock market was unhampered by tradition.