- 顽抗的以对权威或指导倔强地反抗和蔑视为标志的 Marked by stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority or guidance.
- 顽抗 recalcitration
- 人民奋起进行顽抗。 The people roused themselves and put up a stout resistance.
- 人民起来反抗暴君。 The people rebelled against the tyrant.
- 贼兵顽抗 The rebel troops put up a stubBorn resistance
- 顽抗的 recalcitrant
- 父母管教过严会使子女反抗。 Too rigid parental discipline fosters rebellion in children.
- 顽抗者 recalcitrant
- 人民起来反抗他们的首领。 The people rose against their leaders.
- 顽抗到底 resist stubbornly
- 反抗的态度 a defiant attitude
- 敌人再顽抗就消灭它。 If the enemies continue to resist stubbornly, wipe them out.
- 非洲人成功地反抗殖民统治。 The African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.
- 对改革采取顽抗态度. show stubborn resistance to change
- 他们起来反抗外国压迫者。 They stood up against their foreign oppressors.
- 苏格兰人进行绝望的顽抗 The Scots fought with desperate tenacity
- 反抗警察暴行的失败暗示着宽恕其行为。 Failure to protest police brutality may indicate a willingness to condone it.
- 扫荡几处孤立顽抗的小片地区 mop up isolated pockets of resistance
- 反抗暴力 to oppose violence
- 反叛分子在山区顽抗了几年。 The rebels held out in the mountains for several years.