- 靠近窗边的桌子怎么样? How about a table near the window?
- 我想要靠近窗边的坐位。 I think I will take the seat near the window.
- 可以,在靠近窗边的一个安静角落里。 Yes, a quiet corner near the window.
- 啊,先生,你觉得靠近窗户的桌子怎么样? Oh,sir. How would you care for the table by the window?
- 边 margin
- 边的 limbic
- 在美国,人们宁可等着空的桌子,而不愿和不认识的人坐在一起。 In the U.S., people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don't know.
- 世界之窗 Window on the World
- 高顶宽边的一种草帽;美国南部和墨西哥人戴这种帽子。 a straw hat with a tall crown and broad brim; worn in American southwest and in Mexico.
- 这边的 hither
- 她把盘子放在他前面的桌子上。 She put the plate on the table in front of him.
- 边距 edge distance
- 包边 wrapping
- 他们沉重的脚步震得我的桌子直摇晃。 Their heavy footsteps jarred my table.
- 靠窗放着一张桌子。 A desk stood against the window.
- 折边 hem
- 八边形 octagon
- 她把老板的桌子整得理井然有条,就像一位好秘书该做的。 Like a good secretary,she kept the boss's desk in apple-pie order.
- 边坡 side slope
- 摆满了山珍海味的桌子 a groaning board