- 非收缩性B环 Schatzki ring; lower esophageal ring
- 非收缩性B环下食管环 noncontractile B ring
- 食管下环,非收缩性B环 lower esophageal ring
- 沙茨茎环,下食管环,非收缩性B环 Schatzki ring
- 收缩性心力衰竭 Systolic heart failure
- 非 not-
- 环的主体分为明亮的A环,B环以及暗弱的C环等部分。 The main body of the rings divided into the bright A and B rings and the faint C ring.
- 支集的瞬间收缩性 instantaneous shrinking of the support
- 电影录音控制室、鉴定放映室及室内影院A环、B环电声频率响应特性测量方法 Measurement methods of A-chain and B-chain electro-acoustic frequency response of motion-picture control rooms, review rooms and indoor theatres
- 慢性收缩性心力衰竭 chronic heart failure
- 具有旁耦合量子点的A-B环中的持续电流 The Persistent Current in A-B Ring with a Side-Coupled Quantum Dot
- 收缩 shrink
- B环间位取代异黄酮衍生物 Isoflavone derivatives with meta-substituent on B ring
- 用收缩性塑料薄膜包装(如食物) Wrap(eg food)in plastic film that shrinks tightly round it
- 非我 nonego
- 知性 intellectuality
- 不到长城非好汉 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
- 改性 modification
- 嵌入人造分子介观A-B环内的持续电流 The Persistent Current in a Mesoscopic A-B Ring with a Artificial Molecule
- 非对称 asymmetric