- 非接触型IC卡 The Untouched IC Card
- 接触型IC卡接口系统设计 Design of Interface System for Contact Type IC Card
- 非接触式IC卡 contactless IC card
- 180203K非接触型密封轴承的密封结构 Seal design of non-contact sealed ball bearing type 180203K
- TCRS1A型IC卡指纹仪性能检测 The performance test for TCRSIA type IC card fingerprint instrument
- 液体媒质非接触型压电超声马达机理研究 The Operating Theory of Non-contact Type Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motor with Fluid Medium
- 逻辑加密型IC卡的安全性能分析 The Secure Performance Analyzing of Logic Security IC Card
- 根据电机定子和转子间能量传递方式,超声波电机分为接触型和非接触型。 Based on the contact pattern between the stator and rotor, USM is classified as contact type and non-contact type.
- 非标 nonstandard
- 运动型 motile
- 【谚】罗马非朝夕建成。 Rome was not build in a day.
- 预防接触型角膜内皮镜检查致感染的护理体会 Nursing experience of preventing infection caused by contact keratoscopy examination
- 非接触双路激光检测仪研究 Development of Double-passage Laser Scanning Non-contact Inspector
- IC卡微机管理系统的研制 Development of IC Card Microcomputer Management System
- 非接触式明渠污水流量计的研制 Development of Non-Contact Polluted Water Flow Meter in Open Sky
- IC卡记录芯片封装胶带的研制 Development of Memorization COMS Chip Encapsulation Adhesive Tape of IC Card
- 激光超声非接触式接收装置的研制 Development of Ultrasonic Noncontactive Laser Receiver
- I型卡环 Aker clasp
- 角膜中央厚度对非接触眼压计测量值的影响 The influence of central corneal thickness on the measurements of intraocular pressure with non-contact tonometer
- 财务核算管理中的IC卡应用技术 Development Technology Of the IC Card'Application in the Management Of Financing Accounting