- 需要多说什麽?下载试用就知道了,就像一个很简单的记事本而已。 Need more? Download the trial has been known as a very simple notepad it.
- 那个卑鄙无耻的人撒了那麽多的谎,不管他说什麽都没人听。 The scoundrelly person have lied so much that people turn a deaf ear to whatever he say.
- 他唧唧喳喳地说什麽呢? What is he twittering (on) about?
- 编一部好词典需要多年的艰苦工作。 It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
- 在这样的时候,我什麽都舍得。 At a time like this, I do not grudge a thing.
- 你说什麽? What did you say?
- 不要客气。嘿,我们到了,这就是学生活动中心,你要在这里做什麽? Don't mention it. Say, here we are. This is the student center. What are you going to do here?
- 做这项工作需要什麽资格? What sort of qualifications do you need for the job?
- 我可不愿意再让我姐姐的孩子留下来住了--说什麽也不行! I wouldn' t have my sister' s children to stay again not at any price !
- 钱挣多了就什麽都不缺了。 If you earn well, you'll never go short.
- 做这项工作需要什麽资格? What sort of qualifications do you need for the job?
- 很多名人都领略过贫穷是什麽滋味. Many famous people have known what it is to be poor.
- 奥瑟罗你说什麽? Othello. What dost thou say?
- 有这麽多可选择的, 真难决定(买什麽). With so many choices, it's hard to decide (what to buy).
- 你颠三倒四地说些什麽呀? What are you bumbling (on) about?
- 有这麽多可选择的,真难决定(买什麽). With so many choices, it's hard to decide (what to buy).
- 她跟你说过什麽有趣的事吗? Did she tell you anything interesting?
- (我)亲爱的,你说什麽呀? What did you say, (my) precious?
- 她是办公室的新人,她有什麽需要就多帮帮忙。 She's the new girl in the office, so give her any help she needs.
- 你为什麽低声说话? Why are you whispering?