- 集值Riemann-Stieltjes积分 set-valued Riemann-Stieltjes integral
- 取值于局部凸拓扑代数中抽象函数的弱Riemann-Stieltjes积分 On Weak Riemann Stieltjes Integration of Abstract Function Valued in Locally Convex Topological Algebra
- 值 value
- Volterra-Stieltjes积分 Volterra-Stieltjes integral
- 集值鞅 set value martingale
- 在这篇文章中,我们主要考虑单位圆周上的复Borel测度的Cauchy-Stieltjes积分。 In this thesis, we mainly consider Cauchy-Stieltjes integral of a complex Borel measure on the unit circle.
- H-空间中上半连续集值映象一个新的不动点定理及其应用 A New Fixed Point Theorem for Upper Semi-Continuous Multivalued Mappings in H-Spaces with Applications
- 集值优化 set-valued optimization
- 本文获得了几个含Stieltjes积分的Bihari型积分不等式,并用于考察非线性测度微分方程和冲击扰动微分方程之解的界和稳定性,所得结果分别改进了[7]、[10]、[11]中相应的部分结果. Some integral inequalities of Bihari type containing Stielties integrals havebeen established and used to investigate the stability and boundedness of measuredifferential equations and nonlinear differential systems in which perturbationsare impulsive,results obtained improve the corresponding parts of [7],[10] and[11] to some extent.
- 增集值映象 accretive set-valued mapping
- 闭集值函数 closed-valued function
- 凸集值映射 convex set-vauled maps
- 自集值映射 self-correspondence
- 自反Banach空间中极大单调集值映射变分不等式的解的存在性 Existence of the Solutions of the Variational Inequality Problem with a Maximal Monotone Set-valued Map on a Reflexive Banach Space
- 凝聚集值映象 condensing set-valued mapping
- 有限集值映射 finite set-valued mappings
- 集值信息系统 set-valued information system
- 紧闭集值映象 Compact closed set-valued mapping
- 集值随机过程 Set-valued Stochastic Processes
- 容许集值映象 admissible set-valued mapping