- 难道我想听吗? And do I want to listen?
- 嗨,麦卡西。我想听一下你的建议。有时间吗? Hi, Maxine I need your advice. Got a minute?
- 想 to think
- 吗 morphine
- 如果可以的话,我想纠正一下您说的话:在我国,在职培训是依法必须进行的。 If I may, I'd like to correct something you said: in my country, in-service training is compulsory by law.
- 我想 methinks
- 我听到一些跟我们老板有关的精彩八卦消息。想听吗? A: I heard some juicy gossip about our boss. Do you want to hear it?
- 难道我就不能过我想过的生活吗? I must struggle for what I want!
- 难道我不是世界上最宽容大量的人吗? Am I not the most tolerant man in the world?
- 我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百忙中光临的。期待您的到来。 I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 还想听吗? Want to hear more?
- 难道我的烹饪手艺竟会如此之差,弄得人人都得“一吐为快”吗? Was my cooking so bad that everybody had to skin a goat?
- "护士,我什么时候可以回家?" "我想,可能下周末吧,不过,那该由医生决定。" "When will I be allowed to go home, nurse?" "Towards the end of the week, I should think, but it's for the doctor to decide."
- 我想听古典音乐会。 I'd like to go to a classical music concert.
- 他打了个寒噤,向自己说:“我的上帝!难道我又要变成这个样子吗?” He said to himself with a shudder, "Good God!shall I become like that again?"
- 和我想听到的一样。 Just what I wanted ta hear.
- 难道我是一个杀人不眨眼的匪徒?我象这号人吗? Am I a murdering brute? Do I look it?
- 最后,我想借此机会请汤姆逊教授转达我们深厚的友谊,并表示对他的同胞良好的祝愿。 Finally, we want to take this opportunity to beg him to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.
- 请不要说了,我想听广播。 Please shup up,I'm listening to the radio.
- 你们想听吗这也是一种技巧,但至少要练二十五年。 You want to hear? This is also practice, but for twenty-five years at least.