- 随从 attendant
- 亲密的随从(如跟随一个学者)。 a close attendant (as to a scholar).
- 他骗得大家都跟随他。 He deluded everyone into following him.
- 三千名武装随从紧跟其后。 Three thousand armed satellites escorted his steps.
- 跟随某人 tack on to sB.
- 他强迫随从服从. He enjoined obedience on his followers.
- 跟随领导 tailed after the leader.
- 他带着一大群随从走出来。 He came out with a troop of followers.
- 他跟随着她上楼去了。 He followed her up the stairs.
- 随从护士 attendant nurse
- 地形跟随 terrain following
- 随员或随从 A follower or an attendant.
- 在竞赛中占有一个位置;经常跟随一个序数。 take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal.
- 亲信忠心而受信任的随从或部属 A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate.
- 跟随时尚 Follow the fashion of the day
- 随从,侍从;家臣 An attendant; a retainer.
- 我无奈只得跟随着她。 I was compelled to follow her.
- 侍从,助手,随从 A devoted follower or attendant.
- 坚持跟随 Insisted on tagging along.
- 跟随性 Following performance