- 上校:院长嬷嬷还说什么了?。 Captain: What else does the Reverend Mother say?
- 院长嬷嬷还说什么了? What else does the Reverend Mother say?
- 院长嬷嬷还说些什么? What else does the Reverend Mother say?
- 上校:院长嬷嬷还说些什么? Captain: What else did the Reverend Mother say?
- 关于英语不想说什么了,说多了都是眼泪。 I can't say more about english, then just all tears for it accordingly.
- 院长嬷嬷 Reverend Mother
- 在她去世十年之后,印度加尔各答的德肋撒嬷嬷还是令那些与她有着不同信仰的人着迷。 Ten years after her death, Mother Teresa of Calcutta still fascinates a world which fails to share her faith.
- 如果你动不动就开除教籍什么的,我当然就不再说什么了。 If you make it an excommunication matter, I have nothing more to say, of course.
- 伯克还说这一研究结果证实了生活积极的人寿命更长这一说法。 Berk said the finding strengthens the advice that everyone lighten up a little to live longer.
- 院长嬷嬷总是这样说,当主关上一扇门时,他会在别处为你开启一扇窗。 Reverend Mother always says when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else he opens a window.
- 你说什么? What did you say?
- 她忘了她在说什么了。 She lost the thread of what she was saying.
- 他还说,电子监视设备本应该发现漏印了全息防伪标志。 He added that the missing hologram should have been detected by electronic surveillance.
- 你说什么! I beg your pardon!
- 玛丽亚:哦,院长嬷嬷经常说,主在关上一扇门的同时,他又在某处打开了一扇窗。 Maria: Oh,Reverend Mother always says where the Lord closes a door,somewhere He opens a window.
- Gail跟我说,你们要分开了。呃,还说不上。我们正处一种维系的状态。 Gail told me you're just coming off a relationship. --Well, not really. We're kind of in a holding pattern.
- 不管别人说什么,杰克都不往心里去。他对于批评是满不在乎的。 Jack doesn't care what people say. Criticism rolls off him like water off a duck's back.
- 玛丽亚:院长嬷嬷总是这样说,当主关上一扇门时,他会在别处为你开启一扇窗。 Maria: Reverend Mother always says when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else he opens a window.
- 你要说什么就说什么。 Say what you have to say.
- 搞革命不能说我们没有本事,我们把革命干成功了,搞建设我们还说不上有多大的本事。 No one would say we were not capable of making revolution,now that we have succeeded in it. But we are not sure how well we will do at building up the country.